E-Collar Safety
Dog Training Collars/E-Collars
There are some people who harbour misconceptions and may believe some of the myths about dog training collars / e-collars and their effect on dogs based on their impressions of older models, the incorrect use of e-collars and a general misunderstanding of these products, without knowing the facts. Some Animal welfare agencies don't fully understand how e-collars work, we are all taught from a youg age to be fearful of electricity, we see lightning in the sky and we are awestruck by its power and beauty, and its ability to burn and kill people, but the energy delivered by a typical bark control collar on high level is approximately 0.0003 of a joule, now compare that to a typical muscle stimulation machine on high level used on humans at approximately 6 Joules, or an electric fence energizer at approximately 3.2 Joules.Another way of expressing the energy delivered by a typical e-collar is 2 Volts @ 20 Milliamps.
An independent study on dog training collars/e-collars was conducted at a leading Veterinary University in the U.S.A. The study found that the use of an e-collar to stop dog barking was no more cruel than taking your dog to your Vet for a "Check Up". Please read in context "Tuskegee University Study Finds No Lingering Adverse Effects of Bark Collars".
In 2004, a report was compiled based on findings from the scientific research conducted at Tuskegee University to aid in creating a better understanding of e-collars and dispel many common myths and misconceptions.
The report will also help answer common questions such as:
* Will this hurt my dog?
* Does it work?
* How strong is it?
* What can they be used for?
* Are there lingering effects?
Click here to read the White Paper.pdf
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